MiracleMicrogreens™ is our pure, meticulously researched, full-spectrum blend of the 10 highest nutrient & most antioxidant-rich microgreens - powdered and ready for simple & easy daily use.
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Our Focus:
We make accessing top-quality microgreens easy.
Full-spectrum & a vibrant green - not the dull green veggie powders you're accustomed to.
A dull green means oxidization - a product of cheap & easy commercial drying techniques - which dramatically decrease nutrient content. We invented the concept of powdered microgreens in 2017, and spent over 7 years of R&D perfecting our pharmaceutical-grade Cold Raw Freeze-Dry Process™ which eliminates oxidation and retains all the vibrant colors & unique beneficial compounds found in our peak-quality, high-nutrient microgreens.
Microgreens degrade from the moment they are harvested, and spoil within days.
We solved this by harvesting our own, sun-grown microgreens at peak nutrient content, then immediately freeze-drying and bottling. Most microgreens in stores are over a week old, which is why they spoil within days of coming home.
The highest-nutrient microgreen varieties are not available, hard to find, or grown sub-optimally.
MiracleMicrogreens™ contains hard to find, highest-nutrient microgreens, to help you achieve your wellness goals. Local access to the most beneficial types of microgreens is limited due to their difficult grow process, fragility, and ultra-short shelf life.
Other greens powders require large serving-sizes (big scoops), which limit their versatility.
Just 1/4 teaspoon (0.4g) is all you need for a full serving of our microgreens - nutritionally equivalent to 1.5 servings of vegetables! This tiny serving-size can be added anywhere, completely unnoticed. In your water bottle, matcha, kiddo milk, yogurt, your morning coffee, eggs, oatmeal, or even a martini! Other "greens powders" require big scoops, which greatly limits where they can be used.

Freeze-dried, never dehydrated, for full-spectrum nutrient content.
We invented the concept of powdered microgreens in 2017. This was the direct result of a 7-year R&D process designed to create a full-spectrum, highly accessible and versatile microgreens powder.
It was a surprisingly challenging task, which ultimately required us to develop our proprietary, pharmaceutical-grade Cold Raw Freeze-Dry Process™ - utilizing highly specialized equipment & methodologies to deliver our pristine, full-spectrum microgreens, with vibrant green colors, no oxidation, and delicate flavors.
The science of drying anything the right way is hard, and microgreens are even harder due to their broad range of beneficial compounds and delicate cellular structure. We learned through experience that simply dehydrating or freeze-drying wasn't enough, and we're extremely proud to share the result of our labor of love with you!
No juicing. No extracts. No concentrates. No additives. No flavorings. No pesticides.
Only 1/4 tsp
Single source
Better than organic
Grown with sunlight
Tested for mycotoxins
University verified data
Pesticide & GMO free
Grown in Illinois

Ten top microgreens.
Zero, anything else.
We don't "source" ingredients, we grow our own under real sunlight for maximum nutrition - farm to bottle to table!
MiracleMicrogreens™ consists of the USDA's most nutrient-dense microgreens, many of which are not commercially available to consumers.
All our microgreens are grown using better-than-organic processes, fully pesticide/herbicide/fungicide (including bacterial agent) free, and meticulously 3rd-party lab tested for pathogens and mycotoxins for absolute purity. We use the whole plant (stem & cotyledon/leaf), and never any juices, concentrates, or extracts.
These microgreens include:
Broccoli, Purple Kohlrabi, Savoy Cabbage, Red Cabbage, Wasabi Mustard, Rapini, Pea Shoots, Cilantro, Green Daikon Radish, and Red Garnet Amaranth. No additives. No fillers. Just 100% microgreens.

Only 1/4 teaspoon
is nutritionally equivalent to 1.5 USDA servings of vegetables.
Just 1/4 teaspoon provides a full serving of the best quality, sun-grown, high-nutrient microgreen varieties you can't find anywhere - and is equivalent to 1.5 USDA servings of vegetables. Have two 1/4 teaspoon servings throughout the day for your full USDA daily recommended serving of vegetables, on those days when you need some extra help.
Learn how your 1/4 teaspoon serving packs so much nutrition:
Microgreens are simply young, regular vegetables - typically 2 weeks old or less. At this ideal seedling stage, they contain high concentrations of nutrients, designed to fuel the plant to its next stage of development. USDA studies have proven, during this initial stage, that microgreens typically contain a mid-range nutrient content 22-times that of fully-grown vegetables. This naturally high nutrient content allows our MiracleMicrogreens™ to reach a potency of 2,376-times the nutrient and antioxidant density of regular vegetables.
1) First, we select the highest-potency microgreen varieties, and blend them in very specific proportions (our Function Optimized Blending™) which increases the average nutrient content by 50%! This takes the nutrient content from 22-times (average across all standard microgreen varieties) to 33-times that of standard fully-grown vegetables!
2) Then, we further concentrate these nutrients 18-times by weight using our Cold Raw Freeze-dry Process™, which eliminates 98% of the microgreen's non-nutritive water content.
3) Finally, our ultra-fine milling process reduces the volume 4 times.
This yields our MiracleMicrogreens™ - with a total nutrient content 2,376-times (33x18x4) that of fully-grown veggies!
Details matter.
Full-spectrum freeze-drying
Our proprietary Cold Raw Freeze-Dry Process™ goes beyond industry standards to capture the full benefits of microgreens.
Very small serving size
Only 1/4 teaspoon (0.4g) per serving. This means you can add our microgreens to anything, unnoticed.
Thoroughly tested
We go the additional step of testing for the presence of mycotoxins, in addition to pathogens.
100% Pesticide-free
Did you know there are 100s of nasty "organic" approved pesticides? We use none, and we never will.
Simple ingredients
Only microgreens are in our bottle. No strange coatings on our greens. No dried juice. Just the whole plant.
Harvested at peak
Because we control the entire process, we can harvest our microgreen's at peak nutrition, every time.
Functional nutrients & benefits.
Microgreens naturally contain an astounding amount of nutrients. Our focus has always been to maximize and preserve these nutrients using our Function Optimized Blending™ ratios, Cold Raw Freeze-Dry Process™, and never damaging dehydration techniques.
Primary among the VITAMINS in our blend are Vitamin A / Beta-Carotene, Vitamin C / Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin E / Tocopherols and Vitamin K / Philloquinone. The MINERALS include iron, calcium, copper, potassium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous and zinc (all being macro and micro elements deemed essential for proper health maintenance). These are in addition to the full range of beneficial PHYTOCHEMICALS, POLYPHENOLS, and naturally occurring MICRONUTRIENTS uniquely found in high amounts in microgreens.
Here are a number of the primary, health supporting factors of our premium MiracleMicrogreens™ functional blend:
Immune function | Antioxidant | Growth & development | Natural DAO source | Reproductive support | Red blood cell formation | Skin & bone formation | Formation of blood vessels | Fiber content | Strong bones | Collagen & connective tissue formation | Vision support | Wound healing | Normal blood clotting

How we make our microgreens.
Farm to home microgreens - and nothing else. We grow great microgreens & get out of their way.
We grow.
We begin by growing our microgreens indoors, under natural light - and of course no pesticides of any kind. They take about two weeks from seed to harvest, and we grow all year for ultra-fresh production. Other "green superfood" type products harvest once a year or (much, much) longer, then freeze their product until it's needed. Not us. Not ever.
We powder.
After harvest, our microgreens are immediately dried using our Cold Raw Freeze-Dry Process™. This proprietary process was specially developed to exceed typical freeze-drying and dehydration standards - maintaining the nutritional components of microgreens as well as their amazing range of flavors. Once dry, we use a custom milling technique to create the ultra-fine powder consistency we are known for, which easily dissolves in water bottles, liquids, or your favorite recipes. And for our Raw Food Diet friends: yes, we qualify 100%!
We bottle.
All our microgreens are bottled immediately after completing the drying process. Our bottles are amber UV protective glass, not plastic, to maintain the pristine quality of our greens. All our bottles use metallic caps with hermetic seals, so your greens stay ultra-fresh between uses. Our greens do not require refrigeration, and can conveniently be kept in a cool, dry location.
Add unnoticed to your favorite foods.
At only 1/4 teaspoon per serving & very mild in flavor, our microgreens work just about anywhere.

We are known for the ultra-fine consistency of our powdered microgreens - which dissolve in any beverage. Our servings are only 1/4 teaspoon, so you can add a blast of veggie power to your favorite beverage without impacting the flavor.

Add a boost of flavor and nutrition to your smoothies, without having them taste like a ton of kale :-)

Our powdered microgreens are super-fine and dissolve in liquids and foods. Add unnoticed to kids drinks, baby-food, and even in a PB&J. We leave a bottle on the table for our kids to sprinkle on everything. They love the control and we love that it's not salt & actually super-good for them.

Add quick and easy nutrition to your kids favorite meals that...er...might need a little nutritional help. Our kiddos love a PB&J with microgreens mixed in - totally unnoticed. Any sandwich, cup of fruit, etc. is totally fair game for a boost of hidden veggie power. It's a win, win!

Microgreens add a huge boost of natural Umami and flavor enhancement to any food. Leave on the table and use in place of salt to get a savory and flavorful boost, without all the sodium of regular salt.

Add our powdered microgreens to your recovery drink, or use them on your post workout meal. It's a natural way to replenish vital electrolytes and nutrients. We have so many supporters that swear by them as part of a healthy active lifestyle and workout program.

Use as a rub on proteins like tofu, steak, chicken, fish, etc. Our microgreens become caramelized and add a huge boost of umami to your dishes.

Mix into your morning eggs, add to a bowl of cereal or oatmeal for a big boost of flavor and nutrition.

Powdered microgreens are perfect in and on top of savory and sweet breads, rolls, muffins, and much more. Imagine a slice of bread with a full serving of greens hidden inside.

Mix into your favorite salad or salad dressing to provide a functional boost of plant based nutrition.

Camping food always leaves a bit to be desired - especially when it comes to fresh produce and healthy eating. Adding dehydrated microgreens to your camp food is like having your farm CSA box delivered to your campsite - and it's a huge boost of nutrition too for those long hikes.

Add to brownies, cakes, pies, chocolates, and much more. Carrot cake is amazing with our microgreens smoothie blend.

Holly M, USA
Jane S, USA
Rachel B, USA
If you have more questions, please email us - we're happy to help.
So, the serving size is really only 1/4 teaspoon?
Yes, indeed! We know you are likely accustomed to greens powders requiring multiple large scoops per serving - which ends up with you drinking a giant greens glass of, something. We're different because of the high nutrient content of microgreens, and specifically our blend of high-potency, hard to find microgreen varieties. A little goes a very long way, so it's super easy to have our 1/4 teaspoon of microgreens literally disappear unnoticed into your favorite beverage, food, or recipe. They also happen to be amazingly delicious on their own. MiracleMicrogreens™ martini anyone?
What led you to choose the varieties of microgreens you use in your blend?
We used current research studies by the USDA, peer-reviewed university studies, and our own lab tests to select the ten most nutrient-dense microgreen varieties. Many of these are not easily available to consumers, are not commercially available at all, or are extremely expensive ($100+ per ounce on the current market). We created MiracleMicrogreens™ to provide easy access to all these microgreens and their amazing qualities.
What do you mean when you refer to your microgreens as Functional?
The Mayo Clinic defines functional foods as "foods that have a potentially positive effect on health beyond basic nutrition. Proponents of functional foods say they promote optimal health and help reduce the risk of disease." The Mayo Clinic, along with numerous articles and studies, have described microgreens as a functional food, some stating the potential, even, to help promote global nutrition security.
How do people typically use your powdered microgreens?
Three key aspects of our microgreens lead to a wide range of uses: 1) they have a very mild flavor, 2) they taste fantastic in their pure state, and 3) the necessary serving size is extremely small (1/4 teaspoon, 0.4g) due to the high concentration of nutrients in microgreens. Given these three attributes, people use our greens just about everywhere. A simple spoonful in the morning as a nutrient boost, smoothies, coffee, tea, in salads, salad dressing, eggs, baked goods, on popcorn, mixed in condiments, even in desserts. Many parents we know add them to PB&Js, mixed in ketchup on hot-dogs, in milk or juice, or even added to homemade treats. The kids do not notice a thing, again, because the serving size is so small. We know multi-starred chefs that crust proteins with our greens, then sauté them until the greens are caramelized, giving a huge boost of umami. Sushi chefs regularly use our greens as well, for the beauty of the color as well as the umami benefits. It's an amazing product because first and foremost it's a food, not just a yucky tasting "nutritional" product that needs to be hidden.
How do the nutrients in microgreens compare to regular veggies?
The median nutrient concentration of microgreens is 22 TIMES that of standard, fully grown versions of the same vegetables. To us, that's just the starting point. We go further by selecting microgreen varieties with the highest concentrations of nutrients, and blending them to optimize these qualities. In addition to the standard nutrients you see on a vitamin bottle, microgreens also contain high levels of other beneficial substances such as phytochemicals, polyphenols, and micronutrients not present in meaningful amounts in fully grown veggies. Microgreens are truly miraculous, which is why we named our flagship blend MiracleMicrogreens™.
Is there anything else in your blend, besides microgreens?
Absolutely not. Our goal was to provide a 100% pure microgreen product, to enable anyone who wanted to benefit from microgreens to have access to the most nutrient-dense microgreens available. We also pride ourselves on using the whole plant, and never juice or otherwise tamper with our greens. Just microgreens, in a bottle, ready when you are.
Are your products Organic?
We like to think of ourselves as better-than-organic. Most people are not aware that there are literally hundreds of Organically certified pesticides, fungicides, bacterial agents, and nutrient compounds that are authorized for use on organic produce. Most of these compounds have not been sufficiently tested, as the authorization process works by assuming things are safe until proven otherwise. We refuse to use any of these compounds in our process - for the safety of our product, as well as ourselves and our team. We use seeds, soil, filtered water, and natural light - that's it. Better-than-organic.
Do you have wholesale partners?
For sure! We're on a mission to help bring the amazing functional benefits of microgreens to the world. If you are a retailer in the USA or EU, please email us. We'd love to see if we're a match made in microgreens.